Checking VIN for AUDI WAUZZZ8GZTN010669

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Main data

Parameter Value
Brand AUDI
Model AUDI CABRIO. 2.0
Check digit Not used
Sales id 8G7084
Permanent link
Production date 1996-07-01
Model year 1996
Engine code ABK
Engine number 000
Engine volume, L 2.00
Number of cylinders 4
Power, KW 85
Power, PS 115
Colour of body A2 (BLACK: brilliant black)
Colour of roof PA (BLACK: black)
Trim KP
Gearbox code CPB (5S)
Country of sale 000 ()

Custom options

Parameter Value
0MA Labels for starting an automatic: Without label for starting an automatic
E0A Special editions: No special edition
1PC Lockable wheel bolts: Wheel bolts with anti-theft protection (unlockable)
0DR Vehicle class differentiation units/platform components: Installation differentiation for build status of vehicle class B (AUDI) unit components
1D0 Trailer hitch: Without trailer hitch
4UE Airbag: Air bag for driver and front seat passenger
1E1 Activated carbon canister: Activated carbon canister
0W1 Label for central electric: Label for central electric German-speaking countries
8L2 Antennas: Fully automatic power rod antenna
3BS Left exterior mirror: Left exterior mirror: aspherical, electrically adjustable and heated
3AF Right exterior mirror: Right exterior mirror: convex, electrically adjustable and heated
1X0 Drive layout: Front wheel drive
9Y0 Outside temperature display: Without outdoor temperature gage
A8S Equipment levels: Standard equipment
J1E Batteries: Battery 220 A (40 Ah)
1LB Brake type, front: Disc brakes, front
4M0 Beverage holders: Without cup holder
B0A Component part sets with country-specific design requirements: Component parts set without country-specific design requirement
1AC Brake systems: Anti-lock brake system (ABS)
0VC Owner's manuals: Information kit in German
9X0 Heated door lock cylinder: Without heated door lock cylinder
9T0 Heated washer nozzles: Without heated washer nozzles
9R0 Check control/service reminder indicator: Ohne Check Controll/Service-Intervall
C00 General operating permit, alterations: Operating permit, initial registration
3FN Roof insert/convertible top: Canvas convertible top, operated electrically
2G1 Insert for the filling up of unleaded fuel/fuel type: Insert for the filling up of unleaded fuel
7AA Theft protection system: Electronic vehicle immobilization device
5MQ Inserts: Dekor-Einlagen,Kunstleder
9BA Electric safety package: W/o additional electric safety package
8K0 Headlight control: Without special headlight activation
2V1 Fresh air intake for passenger compartment (with particulate filter): Dust and pollen filter
1C1 Antifreeze: Antifreeze up to -25 degree celsius tolerance up to -30 degree C
8GD Alternators: Alternator 90A
0G1 Transmission types/gearshift mechanisms: Gearshift lever
T4Y Base engine: 4-cylinder gasoline engine 2.0 L unit 039.A
4U1 Luggage net/pocket on backrest(s): Luggage nets/pockets on backrests
8T0 Cruise control system: Without cruise control system (CCS)
2B0 Exterior noise suppression measures: Without additional exterior noise suppression
G0C Transmission specifications: 5-speed manual transmission
8R1 Center high-mounted stop lamp: Center high-mounted stop light
6V1 Rear trim panel: Rear trim panel (ECE)
4HN Rear window insert: PVC rear window
9AB Heating and air conditioning system: Manually controlled air conditioning
8JH Headlamps: Ellipsoidal headlight for driving on the right
5F0 Hardtop: Without hardtop
U0C Instrument clusters: Instrument insert with tachometer clock and km/h speedometer
4L2 Breakaway interior rearview mirror: Dipping breakaway interior rear view mirror
K8K Body style: Convertible
4W0 Cassette and CD storage unit: Without cassette and CD storage unit
1Z0 Fuel quantity for initial filling: Initial standard fuel filling
5C0 Body measures: Without special body measures
8KA Catalytic converter control: W/o catalytic converter warning light
6W0 Front license plate carrier: Without license plate bracket front
5K1 Paint preservative/transit coating: Paint preservative (wax)
L0L Steering system arrangement: Left-hand drive vehicle
2PG Steering wheels: Steering wheel
8RJ Speaker installation: 4 speakers
9EB Wire assemblies: Wire assembly for 4-cylinder fuel injected engine
8Q1 Headlight range control: Headlight-range adjustment
6E0 Center armrest: Without center armrest front
9Q0 Multi-function display/trip computer: Without multi-function display/ on-board computer
8Z0 Engine cooling system: Standard engine cooling system
M1A Engine specifications: 4-cylinder gasoline engine 2.0 L/85 kW DIGIFANT, catalytic converter
4SG Left vanity mirror: Left vanity mirror illuminated extractable sun visor
4TG Right vanity mirror: Right vanity mirror illuminated extractable sun visor
8TC Rear fog lamp: Rear fog light for driving on the right
8WD Front fog lamp/additional headlamp: Integrated front fog light
C4K Wheels: Aluminium-Gußräder 7J x 15 10-Speichen-Design, ET 37
8AD Radios: Radio "gamma"
H6T Tires: Tires 205/60 R15 V
PH1 manually operated air conditioning(contains no CFCs) with recirculationmodemanually operated air conditioning (contains no CFCs) with recirculation mode
6Q1 Gearshift knob/handle: Plastic gearshift knob/handle
0SB Special labels/plates: Labels/plates in German
2K3 Bumper systems: Reinforced bumpers
9P0 Seat belt check: Without seat belt reminder
6R1 Gearshift boot/cover: Leatherette gearshift boot
N4S Seat trim covers: Seat covering "Cube-Structure"
3L3 Seat adjustment: Manual height adjustment for front seats
4A3 Seat heater: Seat heater for front seats separately controlled
0LW Safety certificate: Special plates/stickers/ safety certificates for Germany
8F0 Side lights: Without side lights
S4S Control number (no PR family): WA Leasing Fahrzeuge
SN6 Control number (no PR family): Entfall des Beifahrersitzes
8NA Parking light indicator light: Without parking light warning light
FA0 Handling production and pre-production: Control of standard production
8X0 Headlamp washer system: Without headlight washer system
6N0 Mud flap: Without mud flaps
4F1 Door and lid locking system: Central locking system
B01 Type approval countries/countries with special requirements: Type approval Germany
1VA Installation parts for engine (engine mount system): Installation parts for four-cylinder engine (two-valve)
1EC Identification plates: Special identification plate
2Z1 Type sign: Type sign at rear and "Quattro" nameplates respectively
2A5 Delivery equipment: Delivery equipment (transit coating) with thin seat cover
1T3 First aid kit / warning triangle: First aid kit with warning triangle
Q1D Front seats: Sports front seats
9W0 Telephone / telematics: W/o car phone preparation/installation
7S1 Wind deflector: Wind blocker
4GH Windshield glass type: Windshield in heat-insulating glass with sunshield
2WA Additional tires (snow tires): Without additional tires
2CA Central hydraulic system: Without central hydraulic system
0TD Floor mats: Front and rear floor mats
4ZG Decorative trims: Chrome-plated moldings
8LB Additional instruments: Additional instruments (voltage, oil pressure and temperature)
3B0 Additional child seat anchors: Without additional child seat anchor

Check the VIN AUDI

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Can anybody check the equipment?





Re: VIN: Проверка VIN автомобилей AUDI

I need a code of the paint Laughing out loud

Re: VIN: Проверка VIN автомобилей AUDI

I need a code of my audi paint

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