Checking VIN for AUDI WAUZZZ4B83N001849

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Main data

Parameter Value
Brand AUDI
Model AUDI A6 AV. QU. 3.0
Check digit Not used
Sales id 4B502Z
Permanent link
Production date 2002-07-02
Model year 2003
Engine code ASN ("J..")
Engine number 000
Engine volume, L 3.00
Number of cylinders 6
Power, KW 162
Power, PS 220
Colour of body 7U (GREEN: cedar green metallic)
Colour of roof 7U (GREEN: cedar green metallic)
Trim LA
Gearbox code FLV (5A)
Country of sale 000 ()

Custom options

Parameter Value
E0A Special editions: No special edition
1PC Lockable wheel bolts: Wheel bolts with anti-theft protection (unlockable)
0DS Vehicle class differentiation units/platform components: Vehicle class differentiation 4B0
0GG Emissions standard: Emission standard EU4
1D0 Trailer hitch: Without trailer hitch
4UE Airbag: Air bag for driver and front seat passenger
1E1 Activated carbon canister: Activated carbon canister
0W2 Label for central electric: Label for central electric English-speaking countries
6XD Exterior mirror setting: Exterior mirrors: electrically adjustable/heated
5SL Left exterior mirror: Left exterior mirror: aspherical
5RU Right exterior mirror: Right exterior mirror: convex (large viewing field)
1X1 Drive layout: Four wheel drive
A8S Equipment levels: Standard equipment
1KD Brake type in rear: Disc brakes, rear
J1G Batteries: Battery 450 A (92 Ah)
1LG Brake type, front: Disc brakes, front
6FB Components with special surface appearance: Body-colored exterior mirror housings
B0A Component part sets with country-specific design requirements: Component parts set without country-specific design requirement
0XK Owner's manuals: Information kit in Estonian
7QA CD ROM/DVD/SD card: Without CD/DVD for navigation
7A0 CD changer/CD player: Without CD changer/CD player
C20 General operating permit, alterations: Operating permit, alteration
1BA Shock absorption/suspension, chassis: Standard suspension/shock absorption
3S1 Roof rails/roof load rack: Bright roof rails
2T0 Double-size standard radio/dual-view display: Without double-sized standard (DIN)
3FA Roof insert/convertible top: Without roof insert (standard roof)
3X0 Ski bag: Without load-through provision
2G1 Insert for the filling up of unleaded fuel/fuel type: Insert for the filling up of unleaded fuel
7AA Theft protection system: Electronic vehicle immobilization device
5TM Inserts: Decorative aluminum inserts "check gray"
7M1 Scuff plates: Scuff plates in door apertures with metal inserts
7X0 Park distance control: Without park distance control
9NX Tachograph/logbook: Without electronic logbook
8K1 Headlight control: Separate daytime running lights
1C2 Antifreeze: Antifreeze up to -35 degree celsius tolerance up to -40 degree C
F0A Vehicle specifications: No special purpose vehicle, standard equipment
VY0 Danger alarm system: Without danger alarm system
8GR Alternators: Alternator 150 A
0G7 Transmission types/gearshift mechanisms: Tiptronic
1YD Transmission shafts, rear axle: Transmission shafts for rear axle diameter 108
1WD Transmission shafts: Transmission shaft for tripod joints
0YU Weight category rear axle: Weight range 19 installation control only, no requirement forecast
0JM Weight category front axle: Weight category front axle weight range 12
T15 Base engine: 6-cylinder gasoline engine 3.0 L unit 06C.B (aluminum)
6M1 Tie down straps/net/pocket: Tie down straps
8T0 Cruise control system: Without cruise control system (CCS)
2B0 Exterior noise suppression measures: Without additional exterior noise suppression
VC0 Garage door opener: W/o remote-controlled garage door opener
5A5 Luggage compartment lining: Trunk lining, with stowage trays
G0Q Transmission specifications: 5-speed automatic transmission for four-wheel drive vehicle
6PC Hand brake lever handle: Leather hand brake lever handle
6V1 Rear trim panel: Rear trim panel (ECE)
5J0 Rear spoiler: Without rear spoiler
0N6 Rear axle: Rear axle with reduced tread
3NZ Rear seats: Rear seat bench unsplit, backrest split folding
9AK Heating and air conditioning system: Climatronic with impact pressure control free of cfc
8ED Headlamps: Bi-functional headlight with gas discharge lamp, for driving on the right
FC0 Customized installation: Without customized installation
U1C Instrument clusters: Instrument insert with km/h speedometer, clock, tachometer, trip odometer and add. instruments (volt., oil temperat.)
4N0 Dashboard: Standard dashboard
4L2 Breakaway interior rearview mirror: Dipping breakaway interior rear view mirror
K8D Body style: Station Wagon Variant/Avant
6SJ Luggage compartment floor covering: Trunk floor covering, reversible mat (rubber/fabric)
4W0 Cassette and CD storage unit: Without cassette and CD storage unit
QA0 Child seats: Without child seat
3Q6 Rear head restraints: Three rear headrests
1Z5 Fuel quantity for initial filling: Increase in initial standard fuel filling
0F2 Fuel systems: Fuel system for carburetor gasoline engine
5C0 Body measures: Without special body measures
3V0 Child bench: Without child bench seat
6W5 Front license plate carrier: Front license plate bracket
5K1 Paint preservative/transit coating: Paint preservative (wax)
3GD Rear luggage/load compartment floor: Plane rear cargo area
L0L Steering system arrangement: Left-hand drive vehicle
1N3 Steering: Speed-related variable steering assist (Servotronic)
7P1 Lumbar support: Power adjustable lumbar support in front seats
2ZQ Steering wheels: Leather trimmed multi-function steering wheel for air bag system
8RY Speaker installation: Speakers with BOSE sound
2C5 Steering column systems: Axial and vertical adjustable steering column
3HA Leather parts: Without leather parts scope
8Q3 Headlight range control: Automatic headlight-range adjustment dynamic (self-adjusting while driving)
6E3 Center armrest: Front center armrest
9Q2 Multi-function display/trip computer: Multi-function display/on-board computer with check control
8Z6 Engine cooling system: Hot country
D2H Engine specifications: 6-cylinder gasoline engine 3.0 L/162 kW 30V V6 base engine is T15
7Q0 Navigation device: Without navigation device
8TC Rear fog lamp: Rear fog light for driving on the right
FQ0 Quattro GmbH: Standard production wheels
C9B Wheels: Leichtmetallräder 7J x 16 7-Loch-Design, ET 45
8UD Radios: Radio "concert"
7K0 Direct tire pressure monitoring system: Without tire pressure warning light
H3R Tires: Tires 215/55 R 16 93Y
V0A Tire suppliers: Tires w/o specification of tire brand
1G3 Spare wheel/breakdown kit: Alloy spare wheel with original equipment tires
P21 leather-covered multifunction steeringwheel, 4-spokemultifunctional leather-covered steeringwheel, four spokes
PLD Buffalino leatherBuffalino leather
PSV seat heating for front seatsseat heating for front seats
PX4 xenon plusxenon Plus headlights
WS1 front sports seatsfront sports seats
5E2 Sill top/sill cover: Sill top with door cover
4X1 Side airbag: Side air bag front
6Q2 Gearshift knob/handle: Leather gearshift knob/handle
A00 Self-collection / special control: No self-collection
0ST Special labels/plates: Labels/plates in German and French
4E0 Lock operation for tailgate/trunk lid: Tailgate/trunk lid unlocking from outside
2K1 Bumper systems: Reinforced bumpers
9P0 Seat belt check: Without seat belt reminder
3C7 Center rear seat belts: 3-point seat belt for center rear seat
6R0 Gearshift boot/cover: Selector lever cover
N1H Seat trim covers: Leather seat covering
3PF Seat adjustment: Electric height adjustment for both front seats
4A3 Seat heater: Seat heater for front seats separately controlled
1QB Safety certificate: Special plates/stickers/ safety certificates for ROW
VX0 Intercom system: Without hands-free system
QH0 Audio-response system/voice control: Without voice control
4KC Side and rear windows: Side and rear windows in heat-insulating glass
3Y3 Roll-up sun screen for rear and side windows: Roll-up sun screen for rear window and rear side windows
FA0 Handling production and pre-production: Control of standard production
8X1 Headlamp washer system: Headlight washer system
8N4 Windshield wiper intermittent control/ light/rain sensor: Windshield wiper intermittent control with potentiometer (four speeds)
4K4 Door and lid locking system: Radio remote controlled central locking
9B0 Telepay device: Without telepay device
B70 Type approval countries/countries with special requirements: Type approval Estonia
5D1 Carrier frequency for radio remote control: Carrier frequency 433.92 MHz-434.42 Mhz
3CB Partition: Removable net partition
NT0 Transit coating: Transit coating (type 1)
QV0 TV reception/digital radio reception: W/o TV reception/digital radio reception
1VH Installation parts for engine (engine mount system): Installation parts for six-cylinder engine
1SA Front underbody guard: Without additional front underbody guard
1EX Identification plates: Spezielles Typschild fГјr EG
2Z1 Type sign: Type sign at rear and "Quattro" nameplates respectively
2A4 Delivery equipment: Delivery equipment for shipment (transit coating) with thick seat cover
1T2 First aid kit / warning triangle: Warning triangle
Q1D Front seats: Sports front seats
9W0 Telephone / telematics: W/o car phone preparation/installation
7E0 Heat accumulator system/auxiliary heater: W/o heat accumulator/auxiliary heating
4GH Windshield glass type: Windshield in heat-insulating glass with sunshield
2WA Additional tires (snow tires): Without additional tires
4ZB Decorative trims: Bright moldings
3B0 Additional child seat anchors: Without additional child seat anchor
6U7 Additional dust seals: Additional dust protection measures
9M0 Auxiliary heater: Without auxiliary/parking heater

Check the VIN AUDI

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Re: VIN: Проверка VIN автомобилей AUDI

I need a code of the paint Laughing out loud

Re: VIN: Проверка VIN автомобилей AUDI

I need a code of my audi paint

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